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Program and Teams

3/4 Rookie Tackle

Rookie tackle is designed for 3rd and 4th-grade athletes. The focus of rookie tackle is foundational learning of the sport, exploring every position, sportsmanship, and fun.  

Rookie tackle is 7 on 7. It is modified to half field, every player will get a chance to play every position, and there is no score keeping.  

Athletes only need to buy mouthpiece, and cleats. GYFA provides helmet, shoulder pads, practice jersey and game jersey, and pants. 

All games will take place on Saturday. 

More information can be found in our FAQs.

5/6 & 7/8

Players begin full tackle play in 5th grade. 5th - 8th-grade athletes will play tackle in a full-contact capacity as outlined below. 

  • 5/6 tackle
  • 7/8 tackle

We offer Rookie Tackle starting in 5th grade. Our 5th and 6th graders play together on a team. This will be full field, and by this point our players and coaches will know where our athletes fit best in what position. 

Our 7th and 8th graders play full field tackle football. The level of play will vary based on numbers and skill level. Teams vary from 7/8 blended teams, JV, and Varsity. Team formations vary by year and are typically determined a couple weeks before the season begins.

Players are loaned almost all of the equipment needed to play tackle football. This fee is covered in their registration. The only required items to purchase are: cleats, a mouth-piece, and socks. More information can be found in our FAQs.